On my Mac mini, my screenshot files show up on the desktop. How can I change the default folder for screenshot files? And what default editor should I use for editing my screenshots? They’re currently set to open in ;Preview’. When I take a screenshot on iOS, I have the option to resize and draw diagrams or whatever. How do I do the same on my Mac?
The sub folders in my finder aren’t inheriting the ‘view’ settings from their parent folders. How can I set the default view for all folders to show as either lists or columns (I’m still deciding which option I prefer) and to be ordered by ‘kind’ in ascending alphabetical order?
I’ve been told that closing all my iPad open windows isn’t good for the iPad’s battery life. Is there a similar rule for Macs?
You drag them from the Applications folder to the trash bin on the Dock.
No. It is not the same. You can close your apps if you’re worried about power. Apps do tend to sleep and sip power… but you’re on a Mac Mini, so you’re not on the same battery constraits as an iPad. I don’t think you’ll notice a big difference on your power bill if you leave Calendar open forever.
Sounds reasonable. I’m not concerned about my power bill. More of just an OCD thing or whatever you want to call it. As well as having to double check that I’ve navigated tp the correct window or tab. But I can learn to live with it.