WW 868: PaulyBrowserous

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Richard used the phrase “purse fight” about competition inside of Microsoft. I’ve never heard this phrase before, and initially confused it with a purse for boxing bout. I presume it’s meant to imply what the British would call a handbag fight, with a reference to two women hitting each other with their purses. Presuming he meant that they would “pretend fight” for the best position, but they can’t do anything that would really hurt the other department or the company.

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Yes, when I heard purse fight, I assumed handbag fight.

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Love when Paul and Leo really get into it :rofl:

I’ve always said “sue-doe” as it rolls off the tongue better, but “sue-doo” makes more send to me as in “super user do”.


I haven’t listened yet; what was the issue they sparred over?

Leo wasn’t happy with the way Paul characterized the FTC’s continued efforts to stymie the Activision acquisition. Paul thinks the FTC is acting in bad faith, going so far as to insinuate there’s some kind of personal vendetta within the FTC against Microsoft.

I do think Paul went a bit too far, but at the same time I think the FTC is under immense pressure to appear effective right now and thus their efforts are a bit… misguided. It’s a shame this kind of regulatory hand-wringing couldn’t be leveled at a target more deserving.


I agree, I think politically the FTC is looking at all their recent court losses and trying to figure out how they can continue to be effective, while also complying with their executive order

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Great discussion, as always! Especially the controversial bit. As for sudo, I always remembered it to sound like pseudo as in pseudonym. You use root as a pseudonym to do the things you have to do.