Weird Youtube cow hoof videos

I know this is a weird question, but has anyone noticed any odd videos about cow hoof abscesses showing up in their YouTube feed lately? I noticed it, thought it was odd, but thought maybe it was recommended based on backpacking and fly fishing videos that I watch, which sometimes lead into survival and homesteading videos that I don’t care about. However, an old college friend on the other side of the country who I hardly communicate with posted on Facebook about the same thing and a number of other scattered across the country that I have no connection to also said they’d seen the same thing. My friend said she only uses YouTube for piano technique videos and movie trailers. Since there’s a big, diverse crowd on here, I was wondering if anyone else has seen this and what the heck might be going on with YouTube’s algorithm.

Lol, no ! That’s definitely weird.

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Can’t say that I have, although I tend to stick to my subscribed channels. What an entertaining bug this would turn out to be though!

Just the usual videos about mega projects, casual criminalist, bio graphics etc.

I have definitely not seen anything like that, LOL