TWIT 833: Herbs of Providence

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

YouTube isn’t the last video streaming site as Vimeo still exists. Talking of swatting makes me glad that regular cops over here aren’t armed but I’m sure that, if reports of gunshots come in, the armed response teams would go.
House ownership might be a matter for public record but so are the names of company directors (at least in the UK) so not sure that @Ohdoctah’s solution of putting everything in an LLC makes sense unless you have more than one registerred director.
I must say that I agree with all criticism of Amazon and how they should be paying their employees more and paying more attention to worker rights than spending $250,000 to get to space,

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Yes, in the UK and Germany, if there is an incident, they surround the place with specially trained armed officers and they get a situation report first, try and make contact. They, normally, don’t just storm in with no idea what they are facing.

If there are active shots coming out of the building, they will react directly.

The exception to getting a sit-rep before going in, is surprise raids to obtain evidence or capture key criminals. Although they have usually been planned in detail in advance and they will have obtained as much information about the layout and who is on premises in advance.

Fire the editors!! OMG!! Only kidding guys, you do a great job.

But they missed the WWT ad in the Club Twit feed this week. It threw me at first, I was wondering why WWT was in the news, then Uncle @Leo was praising them… That was when I realised it was an ad. :smiley:

I didn’t mind, just giving feedback; to err is human, to forgive is divine.

Haaaa - a blast from the past! I was happy to finally hear a commercial again on this TWiT episode around 1:20 (h:m). Don’t go hard on the editor, please - they have been, together with the hosts, doing a stellar and absolutely seemless job over the past months, taking out the ads. Keeping this ad in was merely an Easter egg. :slight_smile:

Btw: It’s been, once again, impressive how effortlessly the panel glides over the tech news of the week, adding political, societal, technological, and cultural perspectives. This might be my favourite panel composition. Just sooo easy going and insightful. As much as I value the other panelists for their individual takes, this one feels like sitting in a bar with you and just listening in to friendly voices.


I agree, a fun Easter egg. I really wasn’t complaining. :smiley:

And the panel was great. Iain (hey, a man who knows how to spell his name properly can’t be all bad!) is always great fun.

Georgia is always interesting and I have a lot of respect for her and how she puts herself out there for people in need.

Owen is always great fun, if a little OTT for my European senses at times.

Oh, and Marmite… I love the stuff, but if you are a meat eater, try Bovril, it is essentially the same, but from beef extract! You can even put a teaspoon full in a cup of hot water for a warming drink on a cold day. I used to get it as a kid after doing my laps in the outdoor pool at the swim club.

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For a second I was like who is Lain… LOL Yes, Iain is always a fun panelist, I’m always happy to see him on the show.


Sorry about the ad. I have (gently) spanked Kevin. We’ll remove it now for future downloads.


I missed the live broadcast this week. By the title, I thought Alex Wilhelm was on the panel this week. However, Oh Doctah, Georgia, and Iain are great as usual.

@leo do we get a tenth of a cent credit on our $7??? :joy: :joy:

I love this panel!!’


Leo, don’t be too rough on him.
Mistakes happen.

This thread from Reddit made me think of the pre-show conversation about our lack of ability to sacrifice for COVID and it being too late to do anything serious about climate change. The billionaires are definitely planning for their survival at the expense of ours.