TWIT 793: The J to J Protocol

I’ve had this very discussion on this forum several times already… I’ve previously posted links and info before that show that some of those listed “fact checkers” are very biased in themselves… They are not fact checkers at all… Especially Media Bias Fact Check, and even Snopes.

Now, I hate to sound like a broken record. But, I am always at a disadvantage here on this forum, with threads being locked and posts deleted when I talk. I take the time to post information, links, and facts when I am asked to prove my point. However, it’s never enough for some, and then all that work here on this forum goes bye bye, because I don’t lean left.

So, apparently, we are not allowed to have a difference of opinion and have honest discussions here, unless everyone believes the same thing. I’ve been down that road so many times here on this forum, and I am not wasting my time again, only to have it go “bye bye.”. I suppose I should have just kept my mouth shut about the NYTs, because that’s really all I can say on the matter without having my posts taken away again. I guess I just needa shut up and stay outta the group think…

You make unsupported wild accusations and offer no evidence, and now your falling on sword because the big bad libs are trying to have a fair discussion?

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Yea, I am sorry you have not seen my past posts. Even some here have previously said it’s not right when my past posts and threads have been flagged and removed… There has been some public comments, as well as several private messages on the matter sent to me as these events have occurred. I did not start any arguments, use any bad words, have confrontations… Nothing… People used to be able to have conversations and discuss things, even if we had a different opinion.

Not here.

People that do not even get into the conversation just flag my posts - like the cancel culture.

I’ve been on this forum over a year now. I’ve tried to prove my point many times… Call it “weak” all ya want. How would you feel if every time you actually took the time to have a discussion - showing how you came to your conclusion, and posting info and links… Looking up new stories and making quotes… All to prove your point. And, only to have it go away… Every time.

It also seems that there is 1 topic that is a no-go here on this forum… What is it? Illustrating the bias that Big Tech has against anyone that holds a conservative view point. EVERYTIME I talk about it here (showing direct examples), in a polite way, the thread is locked or deleted. Interesting that the topic of Big Tech bias is off limits on a discussion forum that is meant to be able to talk about tech…

So, don’t tell me the “weak” argument. After a couple of dozen times rounds of this, I got the message… “Shut up and go away.” We don’t want to have an actual discussion…

Want to hear what I think or for me to prove why I think what I think? Go look up all the flagged and deleted posts of mine that I made here. Oh, wait a minute… You can’t now, can you…

Still waiting on your proof about NYT.

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I guess you missed the part where I said my stuff that doesn’t lean left constantly gets deleted/flagged/locked. Why should I take the 15 minutes to assemble my argument, when it will just cause this thread to get locked and/or my posts to be deleted - AGAIN?

No thanks. …

@Mistershipwreck you’re clearly not happy here… and all you do is complain that the rest of us don’t like your point of view. Surely you have better things to do with your time than hang around here arguing with people who are never going to agree with your perspective??

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Actually, that is not true at all. I actually would not mind having conversations. Re-read what I said above. The problem I have is the apparent censorship of any other point of view here on the forum. That’s my problem. It’s not right, and sad to see from the intelligent people here on the forum.

Well it seems to me you suffer from and you’re unwilling to consider you might be the one who is believing the falsehoods that motivate your beliefs. This is not a Frump pity party, and it gets really tiring listening to you whine about that fact… just sayin’. I’d rather you find a new tune to sing, or a new venue for your performances.


many have done that already.

I am entitled to my beliefs, and I have probably that same view about you. It is interesting that instead of a conversation being had, we have a lockdown each time here. Each and every time. THAT says a lot. So, if anything, what you posted describes THIS place.

And yes, many people who disagree with the left view here HAVE left this site. I have gotten messages from them about that fact too (as they were leaving). The 1 sided view and censorship have rubbed many the wrong way.

Once again, it is telling that instead of being outraged that people are being censored here, you are instead annoyed that people do not think the same as you, and they must be wrong and silenced. Just shut them up and have them go away… RIght? They are wrong, and we don’t even want to see them. So much for the “tolerant” left view. What are you afraid of? Why can’t someone else speak? Just don’t read it if you do not want to. There are a lot of posts here I don’t read.

No one is being nasty here. No one is being hateful. If that was happening, then I would see why this was occurring.

The most infuriating part of this is not that we have a different opinion about the facts… Not that we are polar opposites. The fact is that this is a tech forum of intelligent people… Politics are even discussed on TWIT (so, the topics are already being brought up)… But no actual view outside of the group think is allowed here. It gets deleted.

The most infuriating part is that this is occurring, and so many people here think it is fine. Really?

Most of the world considers the New York Times to be one of the greatest newspapers on the planet. It has the best writers and journalists in the business, people who treat truth and accuracy as a religion. They’ve got an editorial staff of around 1000 people. The majority of papers across the country just republish articles from primary sources like the NYT and a few others, with very little original content. They do real journalism. They have real integrity. If they were to start publishing false stories, they would damage a reputation that’s worth tens of millions of dollars.

To claim it’s fake news, while simultaneously saying Fox, which is undeniable propaganda, is ridiculous.


I’ve seen this happen to you and it’s sad :pensive:

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I addressed this earlier, I guess you didn’t read what I wrote… I’d be happy to post some links/stories to prove my point. To me, it’s unbelievable that you’ve missed the obvious…

I’m fine with that (illustrating my point).

And, if this were a normal site, we could discuss political issues freely. I would back up my point of view yet again…

I doubt any of us would change our minds, but we should be able to discuss things here. No one is ever rude to anyone else here either.

But I can’t. I have spent quite a lot of time posting things in the past, in response to comments such as yours by others. Then, they go “bye bye.” Over and over… I’m not wasting any more of my time again. Not until the attitude changes here… Not until the threat of deletion goes away. Why would anyone bother now?

All I can say is “I think you are wrong” on such topics… If I go further than that, it gets erased… That’s not right.

Where is actual freedom to discuss things? Until that happens, what’s the point of me doing all that work, and then it disappears. It’s already happened MANY times. All that time I have spent listening to podcasts, I never expected this treatment on this forum.

Needle me for not illustrating my point all ya want. I can’t. I’m not allowed to here. You keep missing THAT point.

What’s telling is that with all this back and forth talk, no one touches THAT topic on this thread… That says it all… Where is the group that says, “Hey Leo, at least let the guy talk”?

I am not suggesting otherwise. Go ahead be as right wing as you feel you need to be. What I object to is your constant whining that others here don’t celebrate your choice to be pro Frump. I was simply asking if you genuinely thought we care to hear your whining… cause we don’t. Find something positive or find peace.

It’s the whining, and the reactions to it, that keep getting the threads locked, IMHO.


I would suggest there are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of sites, blogs, and whatnot that are INTENDED for political discussion. I don’t, however, come here for it… and I wish you didn’t either.

In all honesty, I mostly ignore everything you post @Mistershipwreck, so that my blood doesn’t get to boiling in frustration. Occasionally I fall back to old habits, and I read something I shouldn’t, and then I very carefully choose my words so as to make clear that I don’t dislike you, but I really do dislike some of what you say. Tech, for me, is an outlet for destressing and forgetting worry, and it ruins my chill when all this political BS gets mixed into it.

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90% of the time, it isn’t me starting the topic though. I think other than the “bias in Big Tech” thread I started this week, I never started any of the threads that had my comments removed. OTHER people brought up the politics.

I didn’t start this thread, and I didn’t start the political issue in this thread initially either. Someone else did, and I joined in. You are missing that point.

I am not looking to join a political forum. But when someone else brings up a topic, I am not allowed to jump in? Apparently not.

I also didn’t start the vast majority of the past ones I am mentioning where my comments go bye bye. The political issues are brought up by others first… Or brought up on 1 of the podcasts…

I even stayed out of these topics for months on purpose, because I saw the 1 sided view here… Until I could not resist on commenting on a few…

Why does everything have to be removed all the time? No one is addressing that elephant in the room

Might I mention, that neither Mexican nor Moslem are RACES - aside from that glaring error, we can all agree that he is a dipstick :grin:

Your question made me think about that myself - where do I get my news from?? Local NBC news station (KCRA), PBS news hour, NBC Evening news Lester Holt, Wall Street Journal, Washington Week, NPR, Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace - plus various magazine, newspaper and online news through the Apple News app. Interesting question, glad you asked it

Thanks. It’s an important question for everyone to ask themselves these days.
I try to access the most factual, and unbiased news.


I get mine from independent news outlets like TYT, The Majority Report, Thom Hartmann, David Pakman, and Democracy Now.

To paraphrase Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman, this is news that’s paid for by regular people, not special interests. So I’m not prevented by big oil from learning the latest about climate change. Info about health isn’t massaged to benefit big pharma. And so on.

At least TYT and Democracy Now cover both sides of the issues - not just the left side. Democracy Now focuses on just delivering news with no commentary, but TYT presents the news and then adds commentary.