TNW 180: AirTag: A Boring Product?

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Got mine today. Already thinking about attaching some helium balloons and see where it goes. See if someone finds and actually notifies me.


Sounds like a waste of money to me. You won’t get to know where it is after it’s about 100 feet off the ground (unless it happens right beside a plane that has someone with a properly configured iPhone on board) and then the odds it will land in water or the middle of wilderness (or on top of a building) are probably something on the order of 100:1.

Well dang, you sure know how to throw cold water on potential fun :roll_eyes:

Sorry, but you can’t ignore the fact that these devices rely on nearby iPhones to be located, and that, in general, less of the planet is populated by humans carrying iPhones than in cities. If you could be certain a balloon, once released from ground level, allowing it to rise to 10 or more kilometres up ( How high can a helium balloon float? - BBC Science Focus Magazine ) and then let to burst, would drop its payload somewhere near where you’d be hoping, then you could theoretically turn balloon drops into some bizarre form of targeted weapon.

Got mine today. Already thinking about attaching some helium balloons and see where it goes. See if someone finds and actually notifies me.

Have you tried it yet?! Someone doing a test like this would be interesting actually, leave one (and a competitor) in a taxi or something, and see if they can locate them.

No, just a humorous thought at this point but I like your taxi idea. Not to many of those where I live but we do have the Mass Transit District (busses). Can see leaving the tag in a back seat magazine pouch. Wait until the bus returns to maintenance garage and push the “chirp” button. See how long it takes :smile: