MBW 707: Drunk With Conviction

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

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Anyone know if Rene’s new YouTube channel episodes will be available as podcasts? @Lory? I hate YouTube.

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Here’s Rene’s tweet of the available podcast links:

(click on his name to get the full tweet to open, the preview displayed by discourse isn’t helpful).

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Waaaaaa Hoooooooooooo.

Just post it! [Body seems unclear. Is it a complete sentence?]

If you click on Rene’s highlighted name at the top of the embedded article, it should open Rene’s whole tweet in reply to the question, which has multiple links to the new podcast feed, and some others in the replies to that tweet. What I actually posted was just a link to the tweet with the details, but the result appears more confusing because of Discourse attempting to be helpful by displaying some of the content. I was doing it on my phone, where copying and pasting multiple links isn’t that easy: I’ve amended the original post to hopefully make my intention clearer. Apologies for the confusion.

I also found it in my podcast client by searching for “reneritchie” which avoided getting all the other shows with “ritchie” in the title or presenter, but found entries for iMore and his new show, which is just called “Rene Ritchie”.