HOW 109: Windows 11 24H2 Update

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I never knew about WinKey+T. Back when I was a kid, my mom took away the family computer mouse and I taught myself to use the computer completely mouseless (although eventually I made use of mouse keys a little bit). That’s a very good tip.

[paul trying to share something] “huh it’s not working… well it worked before and it works great”. Greatness is shy hahah

WinKey+. (period) is a shortcut I use all the time, and Paul is right: almost nobody knows about it! it’s a very good “fun fact” that everyone I’ve ever showed it to appreciated. I use it all the time because I’ve moved to a post-numpad life where I still know the alt codes for my characters, but no longer have the pad to do them with.

I love Paul Thurrott as a teacher.

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I think WinKey + ; (semi-colon) does the same thing (for some reason.) Also, in case you’re unaware, there is a utility in Powertoys that shows some of the WinKey shortcuts.

I love PowerToys. FancyZones are my life. I actually did know about that shortcuts thing. But by the time I’m thinking to check there, I’m probably already googling aha. also I don’t feel like they do a good job picking the lesser known ones.

Did you know: if you press Ctrl+Win+Alt+Shift+L, you’ll conveniently be taken straight to LinkedIn? Thanks Microsoft! (wow, while typing that, I learned something: Ctrl+Win+Alt+Shift is the office key. wow. thanks microsoft)

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