Facebook has got to go!

I know exactly that Facebook is using my data for capital gains. I don’t think nothing is wrong, I just find it still the best way to communicate and discuss with people.

Should Facebook change? Probably Do I want government regulation? Maybe? Do I want Facebook broken up by the governmetn? Nope

Sorry, but my Facebook feed is not a “feedback loop of bullshit.” I get what I want from all social media platforms that I use. I know exactly what the trade-off is for these “free” services. If you don’t like 'em don’t use 'em, but please don’t tell me I can’t or shouldn’t use Facebook. Isn’t that a bit evil too and hypocritical? They all do the same thing with your data. Your okay with Amazon and Google 'cause you like what you get out of them. I like what I get out of Facebook (I don’t even get the fake Russian-sponsored political ads), Instagram, Twitter (and Google and Amazon.)

Google is not as pure as the wind driven snow either. I direct you to this:

This is an even better interview with Shoshana: Shoshana Zuboff on Surveillance Capitalism - Econlib

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I think you did…

Ignorance is bliss!
We aren’t talking about Google or Amazon here we are exposing Facebook.
You can use whatever company you want it is a free country for now.
Facebook in my opinion is the worst. Facebook relies on people being complicit. WE NEED CHANGE PEOPLE! In order for change you must do something different.
The price of ignorance, maybe it won’t be today but it will some time in the future affect your life either financially or personally. Facebook has only one goal to make money off of you and your personal life data good or bad!

people can remove themselves from FB and you think the government should legislate it’s existance? That works well until the govt removes something you like using. I am not a FB lover but it is the only way some maintain contact with friends and family, like it or not

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But they can’t stop Facebook following them around the web, even if they quit Facebook.

If you are really into It, you can do something about it, but it isn’t 100%.

I think it’s helpful to think of Facebook as an amalgamation of both newspaper headlines, free crazy ‘zine’ magazines, want-ads and a bulletin board on the outside of a building. They have crazy messages, posts and events, requests for help, calls to action and missing cat and dog posters etc. Do you need to worry or complain about those? Can you filter these things you are affronted with there? Do they need to make you upset? I don’t think so.

You know there’s this wonderful thing called the Postal Service in the U.S. and many other countries. It’s a great way to communicate and you own the data at the end, and nobody is monetizing it, except for the delivery part. In this country, it’s private and you can get photos and long-form messages. It’s amazing, you all should try it.

Seriously though, vote with your time and your actions, if you have a problem with FB. Or just use it as the ‘must have’ communication device with others if they won’t stop using it. It’s like sometimes on a road trip you have to stop to eat fast-food and you don’t like to, but you do have to get somewhere and it’s the most convenient method at the time. You hate yourself for a bit, but it is pragmatic.

I’ve been on Tribe net, Friendster, MySpace, Google WAVE, Google Hangouts, many private forums, and ‘the Facebook’. And now Twit Community. I think Gen Z (or Gen ?) will emerge with something that disrupts the status quo. We can expect that at some point, I think. That’s my 2¢ :peace_symbol:

I’m going to be the outlier here.I use Facebook quite a bit. I keep up with friends from school, where our schedules don’t match and I’m able to keep up with their life and kids even though we can only actually meet once a month or once every other month sometimes. I also use facebook at work. One of our clients is a power company and has contracted with us to manage their social media after hours. So part of my job in the call center is to respond to facebook/twitter post and communication information RE: outages or message customers reporting outages to get the information needed to dispatch crews.

I’m really going to get people going with this statement. I also communicate quite frequently with Facebook messenger. It’s cross platform. I can message from my Apple Watch, My iPhone, and my Windows Laptop. Its the only app that I can think of where I can easily message and keep the thread going on all three devices without hassle to the other party.

I’m also a burn survivor, growing up I attended summer camp for children who had suffered burn injuries. The organization that I now volunteer with uses facebook as it is currently one of the best places to get the information out. We have a closed group on facebook, so only those who are in our group are able to to see the information. Things such as activities coming up for the children, where to meet for trips, when the teens are out on their adventure trips, pictures get posted for the family, we do light check ins with family as we are travelling so they know we are safe. So I’m actually one of the few that enjoy the facebook platform. Yes I’m aware that it’s a privacy nightmare, but I’m informed and do so of my own free choosing because I enjoy the fact it allows me to keep in touch with my various networks the easiest.

Also my church is very active on facebook. We even stream our services here. :slight_smile:


These social platforms are, for the most part, what you make of them. If you’re following 1000+ accounts, you’re probably doing it wrong. You owe it to yourself to make smart choices about what entities you engage with, and to keep a clear head when using these platforms. Some platforms make this harder than others, but at the end of the day you are your own person with your own thoughts. You can’t expect anyone else to defend that domain on your behalf. Facebook is no different, it’s simply the largest.


It wasn’t meant as a personal dig at you specifically you don’t have to be so defensive about your social media use.

It’s my personal opinion that Facebook is a feedback loop of garbage content. Better?

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I never actively used facebook, but after the little use I did have for it during the last election cause hard enough feelings that several of my wifes lifelong friends decided to break ties with her over my opinions, I decided to drop it entirely.
I took it a step further and got rid of Twitter at the same time, and verified the destruction of most of my other social media accounts, whether I’d ever actively used them or not.

Now the only social media I use at all is Discord. It’s been personally healthy and it’s driven the majority of my extended family, right up to my nearly 90 year old grandmother off Facebook and to that platform.

Interestingly enough once I dropped Facebook and my parents and sister couldn’t contact me through them we started talking more. It took a little work to get them to download the messaging apps (first Hangouts now Skype) but once they did we text pretty much every day.

I just started sharing my Google Photo albums with them and we communicate more now than we did with stupid ol Facebook.


Somehow this became the new thing. Remember when churches used to provide CDs and before that Tapes of their services for those that couldn’t make it to the service? Now these churches stream the service all on Facebook and you can watch them later as well.
I think this is a cool idea and brings those that can’t make it to the church to feel connected.

I used Facebook Live Streams of my church on Sunday when I couldn’t make it due to illness


That’s my primary use for it. I try to be there every Sunday but occasionally things come up.

I am no longer on Facebook. I got rid of it back in a April. I had had enough of the stories of Facebook selling our data. It was the best choice I ever made

That’s perhaps the one decent service that Facebook provides with its private groups…the ability for people with very serious (and often socially isolating) needs to connect with others like themselves. I suffer from a chronic illness, and while I’m not on Facebook, I understand there are groups that are very helpful to people with various illnesses from cancer to PTSD and everything in between. Like my mother used to say, even a broken clock is right twice a day, so Facebook was bound to get something right.


Private groups are by far the biggest reason that I use Facebook.


hrm… slack feels too work like. It’s also not very non-tech friendly.

I’m surprised something like Telegram isn’t more popular. Though, it’s not technically private by default either. As much as I want to just delete FB, I’m not sure I see the point. So many people use it for messaging. And I’m not likely ditching Instagram. I’ve read “it’ll send a small message” but… so would an inactive account? I mean they know I still use IG (and whatsapp reluctantly as well).

But I don’t want to fall back to SMS/MMS either.

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Facebook doesn’t have to run paid ads peddling politicians’ lies, Zuckerberg wrapping himself in the First Amendment is a cop-out, something that several hundred Facebook employees noted in a letter:

A magazine writer once called the Goldman Sachs investment house a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity.” A compelling image, to be sure. But if there is a metaphorical cephalopod nourishing itself at society’s expense, it is not Goldman Sachs but, rather, Facebook.

Just 15 years after its founding in a college dorm, and without producing any actual content to speak of, Facebook has become the most powerful global media organization in history.

The company genuinely worries that it could be the platform on which revolution or civil war in some tinderbox of a country breaks out. And, despite its rising unpopularity, it has designs on managing the world’s cryptocurrency.

The issue is not whether government should tell Facebook what to do. It is, rather, whether Facebook should act reasonably and responsibly on its own to avoid being in the garbage distribution business.


As if the ethnic cleansing in Myanmar wasn’t enough. Also, “some tinderbox of a country” could be a lot closer to home than most people think.

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