AAA 466: The Flavors of 5G

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

@wade_county: arena through week 12: raygun01 30 guests 26 ronxo 24 Flo 23 antpruitt 22

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No more Dark Sky! Man, this was my favorite weather app. Anyone using something better or a replacement?

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I don’t know Dark Sky as I have never used it (and now never will) because they never supported Canada. But there is “Windy” which has some interesting graphics.

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Welcome back @ohthatflo! It’s great to have you, @ant_pruitt, @JasonHowell, @ronxo & @Victor_TWiT together again.

This was one of the bright spots in the 2-1/2 of weeks of social distancing and eases the pain of the recent announcement of at least a whole month more for Massachusetts.


That is our goal… To bring a bit of normalcy to a crazy situation. Thank you for listening!