A Heartfelt Farewell: TWiT Says Goodbye to Valued Team Members

Lisa and I posted this this afternoon.


Had a feeling something like this was coming. They will be missed, but also excited to follow them on their future endeavors.


All the best to Jason, Ant and Victor

I’ve been listening to Jason since he was a producer on Buzz Out Loud over at CNET, and before I really knew about TWiT.


Oh, man! It is like a family splitting up.

I love Ant, he is such a great guy. I always thought he would be the perfect person to carry so many shows, with his gentle way and wit. I feel so sorry for him and his family, they made a huge sacrifice to become part of the TWiT family. I hope he finds a new gig quickly.

I did a fireside chat with him on Club TWiT and I turned up extra early as it was the first time I had used Zoom (we use Teams at work), so I wanted to ensure everything worked properly and have time if there were any issues. Ant was setting things up in the studio and I think it was Burke doing the engineering and production. We casually shot the breeze as they were setting up. Ant and Burke were friendly and welcoming and Ant chatted away with me, putting me at ease, whilst getting everything ready.

I think he is a lot like me, a gentle, patient giant. He is also very different to me, no way I could push all that iron and I don’t look that good! :smiley:

I have listened to Jason since the beginning, although when I moved away from Android, I have listened to fewer of his shows, but he is also a great guy.

Victor’s name has been thrown around on shows, but I don’t recall him being on any show, but he and the other editors have always done a sterling job.

I hope they all find something new quickly! This is a crap time of year to be pushed out into the cold, just before the holidays.


Dad gum. Sad news. I’ve enjoyed their work.


I think this is one occasion to break the rules: Well shit!!


Wow! Layouts are never good - and especially around the holidays. Ant, Jason, and Victor - thank you all so much for your talents and skills and the gift of your personality and abilities. You have, for whatever value they hold, my best hope and thoughts. Be well, sirs.


This is such sad news, but you did hint that more bad news was coming, a while back.

I’m sad to see them go. Ant and Jason with their marvellous on-camera/on-mic personalities of course, but also Victor - the number of times he was thanked by presenters was an indicator of how much he did, away from our view. Just hope that their well-known skills will help them all to find new opportunities quickly.

Makes me sad for Leo & Lisa too - these are the times when it’s no fun being the people at the top making the decisions, and having to tell people.

What I would say is that it isn’t just TWiT - I hear other podcasters saying that advertising money has disappeared too. It isn’t just podcasting - I hear rumours that local newspaper sites may have to close because advertising revenue has disappeared. It isn’t just advertising - we all know about the big layoffs in tech, but that wasn’t just because of over-hiring in the pandemic. New projects are being canned. People with normally in-demand skillsets who work as independent suppliers have gone from being continuously in work to having gaps of a year or more between engagements.

Investment is incredibly risk-averse right now, and it is having a chilling effect on every kind of business, everywhere, globally. Nobody saw this coming that I’m aware of, so don’t beat yourselves up for not getting ahead of it.


Wow, I am shocked to hear this news. Not good. I hope they move on to other things seamlessly and quickly. But, very sorry to hear this news. Hopefully TWIT can hang in there!


Leo had alluded to some changes coming. I was afraid it was going to be something like this. Best of luck to the guys on their future endeavors.


This makes me incredibly sad to see the departure of three very dedicated and talented TWiT staff. I look forward to seeing what they get up to in the near future.


I have no words, Jason, Ant and Victor, behind the scenes were very much part of the TWiT experience. It won’t be the same without them.
Sorry to see them go and sorry that TWiT is going through such hard times.


Absolute heartbreaking news!! Our TWiT experience is poorer for their loss :cry:


I will miss Jason’s insightful commentary and energetic nature. He always brought a well though out enthusiasm to the many shows he’s been part of. He and Megan really were quite a power duo. I miss both of them.


I was so sorry to hear the news this week and wish Jason, Ant and Victor the very best for their careers away from TWiT. As others have already said, advertising revenue seems to be drying up for many media forms.

It’s probably timely to remind folk that subscribing to Club TWiT for $7 a month is a great way of supporting the network during these lean times. And if you’re already a member, how about giving a subscription as a Christmas gift to a family member who’s also into technology?


Been a proud club twit supporter since the beginning of the club. I was sad to see the news of the layoffs but knew it was a difficult decision that Lisa or Leo didn’t take lightly. I hope to see TWIT begin to soar again soon. Love all the podcasts that come out.


All I can say is wow… unbelievable… will zip my lip after that… W.O.W.

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The Decent thing to do would be to pick up re-location cost for the three.

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I did a fireside chat for the Club, with Ant as well!! He is such a warm and wonderful person and it was awesome! So sad…


While probably not feasible to provide relocation (I think of the three, only Ant was a transplant to Northern CA when he joined TWiT), Leo did mention on today’s shows was that part of the reasoning for the timing of their separation was so that they could be provided severance. It was also said that all three were welcome to utilize office resources if necessary.