TWIT 941: Hurriquake!

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

I hope Cory is OK, the same for the TWiT team, horrible pictures in the news today of major flooding in California.

My thoughts to everyone affected by the flooding, and the fires in Canada.

Another stonking episode this week - TWiT appearances by Cory are always good, and this one was no exception.

The only downside to the episode was that there was no mention of the death of John Warnock, co-founder of Adobe. Regardless of one’s feelings regarding the modern Adobe, there’s no denying the significant impact that Adobe’s technologies have had on computing since the 1980s.

Adam Engst summed up Dr Warnock very well in the latest edition of TidBITS:

*With the death of John Warnock, we’ve lost another titan of the tech world. He co-founded Adobe Systems in 1982 with Chuck Geschke. In the late 1970s, they developed the graphics language InterPress at Xerox PARC, but when Xerox failed to commercialize it, they left to start Adobe. There they developed the PostScript page description language that underpinned Apple’s groundbreaking LaserWriter, and the combination sparked the desktop publishing revolution.

Warnock is also credited with inventing Adobe Illustrator to create graphics in PostScript without programming. The impact of Warnock’s and Geschke’s work is incalculable - the video below, about the history of Illustrator, gives a sense of just how difficult graphic design was before tools like PostScript and Illustrator came onto the scene.*

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I know I shouldn’t be bothered by this and it’s a dumb hill to try and die on, but since I hear everybody continue to say that Google’s killing ad blockers with MV3’s release…

Either they changed their minds on that, or have just failed at their goal, because Gorhill figured it out just fine.