TWIT 773: The Duchess of Sealand

I do sometimes suffer from the “someone is wrong on the Internet” syndrome.

But mostly I just try to remember opinions aren’t truth, and I am not the arbiter of truth or opinion.

My solution to some of the posts I would find less well considered has been to be less and less involved on these forums, to the point that I have restarted this post many times and am wondering if I should even bother to post it at all. I don’t find the content of the shows objectionable in any way, so it’s not a complaint about @Leo or the content.

Hopefully, one day, 'rona will pass, people will get more involved with “real life” again, and will have too little free time to be all fired up about someone being wrong on a netcast on the Internet.


I appreciate your point of view, and your civil tone.
After writing, I decided that there was no point posting stuff that might antagonize; my goal from the beginning was simply to let someone at TWiT know that as a fairly hard-core libertarian, I feel that my point of view is completely unrepresented, and that the subject matter of the show had drifted away from what originally compelled me to subscribe to it, way back when.

We can disagree and still be okay!

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That was Clayton Morris, former host of Fox & Friends Weekend. He was an affable fellow, but he seems to have run afoul of the law in the past year or two as a result of shady business practices related to his company Morris Invest, which purported to sell turn-key rental properties. He has since decamped to Portugal. Some web searching will turn up all the details.

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To be clear - the issue involving Morris Invest seems to be the work of a business partner of Clayton’s and not something he did.

While I didn’t always hold to the views espoused by Clayton on TWIT, I found his insights - and those of his wife Natali - to be reasonably informative and thought provoking.

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that is exactly correct