TWIET 536: You Break It You WhatFix It

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So Chrome got hacked because of an extension - does Google not check these before letting them in the Chrome store? - another reason not to use Chrome :slight_smile: Microsoft must be laughing all the way to more Edge users

Well it would be easy to be burnt when Chrome extensions can be used in Edge


But we don’t have a store pushing them :grin:

It is the same as the Microsoft Store, Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, they are so inundated with submissions, that they can’t check each one by hand, so they rely on automated testing.

If someone works out a way of getting around the automated tests, you have a problem. Every store has and has always had a problem with Malware getting in.

Either the stores have very few apps and they are checked thoroughly, or you have a lot of apps that are checked for known methods or libraries automatically, and we often see it works the other way as well, with legitimate apps getting banned, because the automated process misdiagnoses something legitimate as bad.

Also, Edge uses Chrome extensions, so if they can skip them pay Google, they can probably slip them past Microsoft, Brave, Vivaldi etc. as well.

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Point taken, although for the lazy regular Edge user you wouldn’t go out of your way to find a Chrome extension, plus Edge has Bing built in, which negates the need for an extension.

The extensions in the Microsoft Store are pure Chrome extensions, just in the Microsoft store and not the Google one.

If Google, with its years of experience with Chrome extensions, can let one through, it is probably the others won’t spot it either.

I would lean towards Google being fat old and lazy by tech standards. Having developed for Android, IOS and Win Mobile I know which was the hardest to get in the store.

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