SN 989: Cascading Bloom Filters

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What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

This episode inspired me to code up an example of a Bloom Filter in Java. Rather than duplicate it here and on Steve’s site, I’ll just link to the code on Steve’s site, but if you want to reply to me about it, you can reply here if you’re not a member there.

Very cool. I’m just itching to try it out in AoC. :wink:

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Great episode! As I suspected: the audio was perfect.

I liked the follow up on the NPD data!

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Great episode. I pity the fool who skips over @Leo’s ad reads:

[ACI Learning] makes training fun like this show, AND YOU WON’T NEED THE CAN TO COOL YOUR FOREHEAD EITHER.

The Cascading Bloom Filters discussion reminded me of the Larry Niven/Steven Barnes SF novel The California Voodoo Game. I see that Niven (with Pournelle) was on TWiT about 10 years ago . Steve Gibson is a fan of the Niven/Pournelle “Mote” books. AFAICT, the Dream Park novels were never as popular as Niven’s hard SF writings, but they still have very interesting ideas. I first read “A Hole in Space” (1974) way back when; I fondly remember those old 98¢ paperbacks.

Biology is pretty clever; I asked ChatGPT 4.o about biological bloom filters. Chat noted that immunological memory is like a bloom filter: Memory T & B cells are a cache of knowledge of previous infections. The immune system is happy to have false positives about a new infection – as long as it throttles down before spiraling into a cytokine storm, etc. Vaccinations could be considered a way to pre-arm that “false positive” system.

One could also consider the great importance of the Sympathetic Nervous System response to humans before we had civilizaton. Alarms falsely engaging our fight or flight mechanisms used to be highly useful – but not so much any more. Developing our Parasympathetic Nervous System should be a high priority for all.

I need to understand the cascading part of the bloom filters – when my head cools down a bit from Steve’s lecture. :sweat: