SN 942: Encrypting ClientHello

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

I wasn’t in a position to note the timing, but I noticed Steve’s voice went noticeably quieter after the show had been running for a short while. Was however able to note he went back to normal volume in the 59th minute. More detailed comments follow.

1:06 both Leo and Steve sounded quieter
1:07:08 both back to normal volume
1:08:15 quieter
1:09:30 louder
1:12:26 quieter, then almost immediately louder
1:19:40 seems to get louder
1:21:08 quieter
1:22:00 louder
1:22:25 Leo quieter
1:24:25 Leo still quiet, Steve OK
1:25:55 Steve louder
1:28:15 Leo gets louder shortly after he started speaking

From then on it seems pretty normal.

Now I need to state that I am using a Bluetooth headset to listen to shows, so it could be my phone or the headset messing with the volume I’m hearing. If no-one else can hear variation, it must be me. But I’m putting these observations up in case there really is volume variation.

Thanks for the detailed notes. I’ll refer it to engineering.

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