SN 738: A Foregone Conclusion

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What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

To save you some effort, here’s the email service Steve references

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I tried the Windows Defender Offline Scan mentioned by Steve on the show - I was surprised that it didn’t give me any kind of report. I got a scan progress and file count, but in typical MS style it advanced to 60% very fast, spent a lot of time in the 70 to 90 range and then finished in a flash after sitting at 92% for ages! When Windows rebooted there was no report in the notifications applet and also not in the Threat History. So, I don’t think it found any root kits, but who knows?

Foregone Conclusion, what I dont understand is why do the police need what is on her phone? Im sure she was convicted easily with the drugs and the accident. Job done, I know the police want it all so maybe they can convict her of something else? If there are any Police, or Law type here tell me why do you want to look deep into our lives? If they want whats on the phone did they get a search warrant to riffle through all her personal effects and papers in her home? This would be the same (in my opinion) and probably find more damming evidence there to her drug use and just maybe light up that last pixel on the 16K TV.
Looks like we have to buy burner flip phones to carry around for the police. Law people treat us like you would like to be treated with privacy.
rant over

Oh forgot, good show Steve, and yes you to @JasonHowell

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Most likely they want to see if they can find the dealer who supplied her, in case that gives them a way in to the whole distribution network.

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Believe me they already know who is dealing, its that they dont want to do the foot work in building a case, they want want all the gravy already poured on there biscuits .

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