LastPass - questions being asked about master password security

Do we think that it might get better again now that it’s been spun out of LogMeIn? Should I be worried about the security of my vault (I didn’t receive a breach notification)? I tried BitWarden when they became a sponsor but didn’t like it, don’t ask me why I just didn’t.

I answer your questions, but I don’t like them… I just don’t!

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What I should have said is I don’t remember what I didn’t like. But any thoughts on my questions?

If you are worried, change your master password (if you are a paying customer, enable 2FA).

Steve did a good in-depth look at LastPass and he was satisfied they were doing it right - at that time…

I stopped using it, because it became unreliable - I used Firefox on Android and it just stopped working for several months, I had to copy every password from the vault and paste it into the browser, not a good experience and not very secure.

I had, at the time, just started listening to the 1Password podcast “Random but memorable” and they were a fun bunch of people and very enthusiastic about their product, so I decided to give it a try, and I stuck with it, because it “just worked”.

Maybe LastPass will regain its lost ground, maybe the quality will improve, now that they are unshackled again, who knows? But I didn’t leave them over security.

This attack sounds like someone has tried random email addresses, possibly from other hacks, and stuffing the passwords used at other sites (or a database attack, for example). I still have my LP account (it is now empty), but I haven’t been informed about any attempts to log into it.

When did you stop using it? For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been having a similar issue. But I think it’s a system-level issue because the blue light filter app I use also is losing accessibility permissions. Though, other than that I find that it’s become more reliable in the past couple of years. I think they moved to a new autofill SDK a couple of years ago.

February, March last year. I’ve been with 1Password for nearly a year now.