HOT 167: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 Review

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What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

Hey, Jason, loved the review on the Samsung Z Fold phone, but that was NOT the Z Fold 5, it’s a Z Fold 3! In the video, you even put up a shot from the Samsung website at around 4:30 on the timeline, and it clearly says it is a:
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G ya-da-ya-da-ya-da… Oopsie!
So, reference to the Z Fold 4 is incorrect, since that would actually be a Z Fold 2.

Glen Tubbesing

The review is the Fold5 with the new hinge and the latest Snapdragon? But yes, they showed the Fold3 on the website for some reason.

Editor error. We’re fixing it right now. Thanks for the head’s up!!