Google wants to separate browser and Chrome OS updates to extend your Chromebook’s life

This would be great news for Chromebook owners. Having the OS end of life hit ya won’t hurt quite so much… If you can still get browser updates, that is a HUGE change! I am much happier if and when this happens…


That would make it very similar to any other sister of Linux wouldn’t it? But anything to extend the life of systems.

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I don’t use Linux, but I guess so. Well, maybe not - Linux updates doesn’t expire after 5 or 6 years.

Security updates are important, but Chrome is pretty locked down. If you wanted to keep using it, the browser going out of date would be the big problem. I believe browsing the internet is sandboxed on Chrome. So, if they kept the browser updated, you could keep using out of support chromebooks for as long as they function. If ya wanted to…

That’s what puts me off Chrome OS - the relatively short timespan for support. If there was a way of just wiping it after support ends and install Linux it would be good.

Well, it’s up to 6 years now for most devices. Possibly longer for a couple of very new ones…

It is true, I have had Windows PCs for longer - but by the time it goes on that long, usually the system gets so slow from OS updates and other reasons.

I will admit that when I bought my 3 chrome devices, I did not know of this issue. I found out a week or so after I bought my 3rd device. The extension of 1 year for 2 of my 3 devices made me a bit happier. Unfortunately, they did NOT extend my HP Chromebook X2 tablet. But, this would solve that problem - if they separate the two updates.